Mediterranean Einkorn and wheat bread with dried tomatoes, 1000g

In this bread I tried adding a handful of home-dried tomatoes as well as a good pinch of oregano, marjoram and thyme to the bread. The dough became was very wet and a little too sticky for my taste, even before adding the tomatoes, which is why I added some whole grain wheat flour when adding the fruits, since I ran out of bread flour but wanted something with higher protein to hopefully bind the water a little more. I think it might have worked!

For the scoring I decided to try some new “leaf” pattern that I found inspiration of online, and I’m extremely pleased with it! The dough had a great amount of oven spring and separated the leaves quite a bit, and in hindsight I’m happy that I added some more rice flour after I did the scoring, as I had forgotten to do it before – that way some rice flour entered the already expanding, cut areas, as you can see especially in the top left of the bread, between the leaves, but I think it gives the bread a more “rustic” look, as it probably would have looked a little too constructed if there were only the bright white leaves!

After taking the lid off the casserole, I baked the bread for another I think 40 minutes at first 220, dropping to 200°C, which resulted in an amazing, thick crispy crust, as you can maybe tell by the crumb-shot below. However, strangely, the next day the crust had completely lost it’s crispiness and become quite flexible, which is a first. I’m not sure if it’s because of the tomatoes inside or due to the humid and rainy weather we had the past days, but it was definitely unexpected, as I baked it for quite a while. Anyway, the bread still tastes absolutely delicious and smells like a vacation day!

550g 1050 Weizen “dunkel” (Diamant)
65g Einkornvollkornmehl (Horbacher Mühle)
15g Weizenvollkornmehl (Bio, Edeka)

11% Sourdough starter (70g)
71% Hydration (440g)

15:30 (23.0°C) Autolyse with Starter. Dough a little runny
16:30 (22.7°C) Added salt, the herbs, a few dried tomatoes (small ones) and 15g of additional flour, texture feels alright now
17:30 (23°C)
18:10 (28.8°C) Still a little more runny than previous breads, but still kept its shape from the previous folding quite a bit
21:15 Shaping, first into a batard, with placement in the (way too big) oval proofing basket, but then reconsidered and shaped into a boule and put for proofing inside a bowl in the fridge